Far Infrared Heat vs. Traditional Heat: Which is Better?

2 min readJul 2, 2023


When it comes to heat therapy, there are various options available, including traditional heat sources such as heating pads and hot water bottles, and newer technologies such as far infrared heat. This article will compare far infrared heat to traditional heat sources and help you determine which one is better for your needs.

How Far Infrared Heat Works

Far infrared heat works by emitting wavelengths of light that penetrate the skin and work from the inside out. This can provide deeper heat penetration and more effective pain relief than traditional heat sources.

Benefits of Far Infrared Heat

Deeper Heat Penetration

Far infrared heat can penetrate up to three inches into the body, providing deeper heat penetration than traditional heat sources. This can lead to more effective pain relief and faster healing.

More Even Heat Distribution

Unlike traditional heat sources, which can create hot spots and uneven heat distribution, far infrared heat provides a more even distribution of heat. This can help prevent burns and make the therapy more comfortable.

No Contact Required

Far infrared heat can be used without direct contact with the body, making it a more convenient and hygienic option than traditional heat sources such as heating pads.

More Versatile Applications

Far infrared heat can be used for a wide range of applications, including pain relief, detoxification, skin health, and sports performance. This makes it a more versatile option than traditional heat sources, which are typically used for pain relief only.

Benefits of Traditional Heat Sources

More Accessible

Traditional heat sources such as heating pads and hot water bottles are more widely available and can be purchased at most drugstores and supermarkets. Far infrared heat sources are often more expensive and may require specialized equipment.

More Affordable

Traditional heat sources are generally more affordable than far infrared heat sources, which can be more expensive due to the technology involved.

Which is Better?

The choice between far infrared heat and traditional heat sources ultimately depends on your needs and preferences. If you require deeper heat penetration and more even heat distribution, far infrared heat may be the better option. However, if you are looking for a more accessible and affordable option for pain relief, traditional heat sources may be a better choice.


Far infrared heat and traditional heat sources both have their benefits and drawbacks, and the choice between the two ultimately depends on your individual needs and preferences. Far infrared heat may be a better option for those seeking deeper heat penetration and more versatile applications, while traditional heat sources may be more accessible and affordable for those seeking pain relief.

